ProDeJIP - 3rd annual conference

The Conference brought together members of ProDeJIP and all those interested in the development of JIPs at large, and was followed by ProDeJIP's General Assembly in the afternoon.

Each speaker's presentations will soon be available below.



Brussels, October 26th 2018 - at the Offices of Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine's Brussels Representation (Rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels)


Session 1: Robert Wagenaar (University of Groningen, EMJMD Euroculture, member of the Dutch team of Bologna Experts)

''The relevant outcomes for joint programmes and degrees of the recent meeting of the EHEA Ministers of Higher Education, Paris, May 2018''


Session 2: David Crosier (Higher Education Coordinator, Eurydice/EACEA A7)

''The main obstacles in the implementation of the Bologna Process for JIPs"

Session 3: Janina Satzer (Head of coordination ILE, University of Hamburg, EMJMD EMLE)

"Marketing strategies for JIPs"

Session 4: Barbara Rega (AgroParisTech, EMJMD FIPDes)

"How to strengthen contact with relevant stakeholders, especially in the labour market"